Useful information on supporting children at home and during remote teaching
NHS: Talking to children about feelings
DFE: Children’s Mental Health Week
UNICEF: 6 conseils pour mieux vivre le confinement avec vos enfants
NSPCC : Advice to support children and family during Coronavirus pandemic
Mentally healthy school : Supporting childrens’ mental health
Ministère des solidarités et de la santé: Etre parent(s) en période d’épidémie de coronavirus (COVID 19)
Ministère de l’Education Nationale: Continuité pédagogique (conseil et ressources pour accompagner vos enfants)
La Petite Ecole Française: Remote teaching parental guide
Classes de maternelles
Resources made available by private organisation (non-partners).
- France Inter : une histoire-et-Oli (PS)
- Les histoires en musique d’Elodie Fondacci (up to 7 years old) : between 4 and 10 minutes each.
- La grande histoire de Pomme d’Api (up to 6 years old) : between 4 and 10 minutes each.
- Pomme d’api online magasine.
- Encore une histoire (up to 10 years old) : between 8 and 20 minutes each.
- Song stories available on YouTube: “Bulle et Bob” de Natalie Tual.
- Whisperies (application) 800 animated stories and audio books.
- Audible : audio books in French as well as audio books in English, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.
- Tatatoum: Physical awakening with songs to mime.
- A la mode de chez nous: nursery rhymes from our childhood rearranged.
- 60 nursery rhymes and songs.
- Hugo l’escargot : nursery rhymes for children.
- Application to work on the sounds can be downloaded here.
- L’intégrale de Père Castor (from 4 years old).
- (movies for children)
- Colouring activities
- Hugo l’escargot : manual activities
- Pirouette Cacahouete is suggesting one DIY every day.
- Petit Bateau : playlists with children activities, C’est moi qui l’ai fait and les Tuto Ecolo.
- Downloadable activities with lots of nice games to print out and cut out (memory, jeu de l’oie, cocotte en papier, dominos…)
- Twinkle
- Twinkle Easter activities
- Petit Bambou has its own meditation program for children free access.
- Calme et attentif comme une grenouille (meditation for young children) free resources to download.
- 10 workout sessions to do at home !
- Live sport sessions on Youtube for parents and children, between 30 and 40 minutes.
- Recipes from Bout de gomme
Classes élémentaires
Resources made available by private organisation (non-partners).
- The adventures of Tintin (podcast)! here
- Myths and legends : here
- Youth books to listen to here with France Culture
- Encore une histoire (up to 19 years old) : between 8 and 20 minutes each.
- Videos on many varied themes « C’est pas sorcier » here
- Lots of scientific experiments to do at home with Wikidebrouillard ! here
- Il était une fois la vie !
- Odyssey to discover the great figures of history ! here
- Le compte est bon online ! Junior level / Higher level
- Mental math Kangourou !
- Educational games
- To review the fundamentals on the Canopé website.
- EDUC’ARTE : more than 1000 videos on all the disciplines from CP to Terminale and on news topics.
- Lumni : news and fundamentals for each level.
- Activities in English on the BBC website.
- Visual arts tutorials or experiences by PandaCraft.
- Milestory : a ton of ideas to do with family or alone.
- Le coin DIY d’Anna et Clara offers lots of activities to do with the family (or alone for the big ones).
- J’ai raté l’actu ! Podcasts on the news for 8-12 yo.
- Un jour une question
- Le journal d’Arte
- TV5 Monde
- Programme de jeunesse France 4
- Des documentaires animaliers
- Cartoons « Ma petite planète chérie »
- Simon’s cat
- Petit Bambou has its own meditation program for children free access.
- Calme et attentif comme une grenouille (meditation for young children) free resources to download.
- 10 workout sessions to do at home !
- Live sport sessions on Youtube for parents and children, between 30 and 40 minutes.
- Recipes from Bout de gomme
- EDUTHÈQUE : educational resources offered by large cultural and scientific establishments.
- CULTURETHÈQUE : multimedia library of the French Institute (French press, comics, music albums, novels…).
- BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE (BNF) : online resources (books, manuscripts, maps, images, press and magazines, videos…).
- MUSÉE DU QUAI D’ORSAY : including podcasts for children, online conference, virtual visits.
- MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTURE : resources for children and parents in the corner “Culture chez nous”
- COLLECTIONS DES MUSÉES DE PARIS : more than 185 000 works to discover.